Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140041-140060 of all 182,407 gems.
140,0313,763feedback_with_country_state_cisThis is the feedback form which having states according to the country.
140,0313,763learn_partytool for Flatiron School instructors to group students for projects
140,0313,763terminal_playerTerminal player is a minimalistic terminal-based player for,, and Spot...
140,0313,763hashutilUtilities for manipulating hashes
140,0313,763html-dom-diffGiven two closely related HTML documents find a useful diff
140,0313,763carlan-bovespafinanceRuby module for stock quote information from bovespa.
140,0313,763mtwtfss_yaml_dbForked gem from yaml_db - the great DB independent dumper for rails devs
140,0313,763trans-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
140,0313,763padrino-responseEliminates the repetitive response code in your Padrino controllers
140,0503,762openlayers-sprocketsThe OpenLayers JavaScript library packaged for Sprockets-powered asset pipelines
140,0503,762gem_test2A simple gem that says hello to the world!
140,0503,762dropletsWrite a gem description
140,0503,762omniauth-taobaoan omniauth strategy for taobao
140,0503,762omniauth-mentionOmniAuth strategy for Mention (OAuth 2.0)
140,0503,762redis-collectionsredis-collections associates collections of models with an object, similar how to redis...
140,0503,762immutable_listImmutable Linked List implemented in C-Extensions
140,0503,762nietzscheGitHub style deployments
140,0503,762rootedwesta gem
140,0503,762voncountCount characters like The Count
140,0503,762firekassaRuby Client of Firekassa API