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Most downloads over all time
140481-140500 of all 180,402 gems.
140,4693,595rbuv-emEventMachine compatibility for rbuv
140,4693,595democracyworks-synapse: Write a gem description
140,4693,595saturnA framework for building hypersonic aircrafts in Ruby
140,4693,595pschedPrecise scheduling of recurring tasks using semaphores (not supported on Windows!)
140,4693,595cjkgenA simple cjk gen gem
140,4693,595tanka_rendererA rendering tool for short text such as tanka (31-mora Japanese poem).
140,4693,595dasil003-safe-nested-hashPopulate deep nested hashes without initialization situps
140,4883,594number_gridA simple grid analyzer that solves Project Euler problem 11.
140,4883,594geminyWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,4883,594jakellSome usefull rake tasks for development with Jekyll
140,4883,594irb_app_env_promptShow current app environment in rails console
140,4883,594html2textileProvides an SGML parser to convert HTML into the Textile format
140,4883,594speedflow-plugin-gitA Speedflow plugin for Git.
140,4883,594studio_game_0971A simple, silly game created as part of the Pragmatic Studio Online Ruby course.
140,4883,594sanicWorst gem ever.
140,4883,594xplaneGem for communicate with X-Plane via UDP packages
140,4883,594omniauth-baidu-socialOmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for
140,4883,594ruby-properties-fileTool for loading and writing Java properties files
140,4883,594trojanLibrary of spies, stubs and mocks for Ruby
140,4883,594simplytech_holaA simple hello world gem