Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
141341-141360 of all 180,434 gems.
141,3313,561hato-plugin-imkayacHato plugin to send messages via ImKayac
141,3313,561drnic-celerityCelerity is a JRuby library for easy and fast functional test automation for web applic...
141,3313,561mycloudGem to handle upload and unlink with mycloud service
141,3313,561trello-factoryAnti-corruption layer around conecting to a users trello boards
141,3313,561commonhackThis gem is a ruby wrapper that similifies the parsing CommonHack JSON. More informatin...
141,3313,561opentelemetry-adapters-sidekiqSidekiq instrumentation adapter for the OpenTelemetry framework
141,3313,561mockingcaseAllows strings to be converted to mOcKiNgCaSe.
141,3313,561cubicSmall framework built with a focus on quick app generation.
141,3313,561ordinalsordinals gem - ordinals (inscription) api wrapper & helpers for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Doge...
141,3313,561imc_xitarpsCalculo do IMC
141,3313,561rails_redshift_replicatorReplicate your ActiveRecord tables to Redshift
141,3313,561remote-cache-with-sudoCapistrano Strategy for deployment of a project from source using sudo
141,3313,561nicoquery-crawlercrawler of niconico
141,3313,561pnap_ip_apiIP Addresses API Ruby Gem
141,3313,561neural_network_rbneural network ruby implementaiton
141,3313,561rtbackupFor taking backups of servers.
141,3313,561dauphinProvides a nice wrapper around the command line tool invocation
141,3583,560pnap_rancher_apiRancher Solution API Ruby Gem
141,3583,560diabolo-diabolo-webratWebrat. Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
141,3583,560hola-mundoHello world