Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
141381-141400 of all 180,404 gems.
141,3743,556rl_hiya_jasjThe library opens echos 'Hiya all!'
141,3743,556dbalatero-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
141,3743,556opentelemetry-adapters-sidekiqSidekiq instrumentation adapter for the OpenTelemetry framework
141,3743,556crankharder-friendly_error_messagesPure Awesome.
141,3743,556nairda-diceSimple Ruby class for simulating dice rolls.
141,3743,556tarsus-railsLace up Backbone.js with Bootstrap.js
141,3743,556restful_kashflowA gem for calling the Kashflow V2 API
141,3743,556uv-priority-queueAsynchronous Priority Queue for use with Libuv
141,3893,555ruby-kafka-customA client library for the Kafka distributed commit log.
141,3893,555dancroak-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
141,3893,555ezycliThe ezy way to manage your workspace
141,3893,555voteable_total_votesA voting gem that sums up the difference between up votes and down votes.
141,3893,555dcadenas-rspec2rrrspec2rr is a Ruby script that helps you in the migration process from rspec dobules ro...
141,3893,555fvalvefvalve keeps a certain number of files in a directory.
141,3893,555sajad_foodieTesting how to publish a gem.
141,3893,555convert_currencyThis an amazing gem bruhh
141,3893,555improved-queueA simple elaboration on Ruby's native SizedQueue which allows using the queue object to...
141,3893,555fakegridsimple sendgrid webhook debug tool
141,3893,555darkhelmet-bound_by_contractdesign by contract in ruby
141,3893,555rl_hiya_clark_brianThis is a test