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144661-144680 of all 180,402 gems.
144,6553,422clone_utilThis gem helps us to copy the ActiveRecord objects recursively
144,6553,422schema_designerCreate active recode migrations through a visual database tool that is based on Rails c...
144,6553,422primegridDisplay an n x n matrix of prime products
144,6553,422qrcode_webUses a google web service to generate QR codes
144,6553,422tataruTataru is a DSL for orchestrating the creation of resources
144,6553,422hexeA witch for your terminal. Now that's witchcraft!
144,6553,422bio-conduitA pipeline creator for bioruby
144,6553,422validate_nameValidates the given string
144,6553,422oauth_headerAuthorization auth header string maker helps you to generate OAuth Authorization with b...
144,6553,422versio_rac1-podcastVersiĆ³ RAC1 Podcast manager.
144,6553,422giphy_apiAPI wrapper for giphy api which is useful
144,6553,422htauthenticationHtauthentication lets you authenticate users by an htpasswd file.
144,6553,422riot-apiAn API that allows users to interact with Riot Games' League of Legends API
144,6553,422yakischloba-em-croncron-style methods for timers in EventMachine
144,6763,421coffee_on_rorSome coffee script classes to make writing front-end coffeescript with Ruby on Rails.
144,6763,421mypage_toolsmyPage tools for Apple Retail employees
144,6763,421clustertoolImport a database and specify up to two columns of numerical data as well as your cho...
144,6763,421tekido`Tekido` generates various random value.
144,6763,421recap-consoleOpen a rails console with capistrano