Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
144741-144760 of all 180,404 gems.
144,7393,417po_translationUsing google translate to translate your po file
144,7393,417ghazel-ghazel-googlechartsSexy Charts using Google API & Ruby
144,7393,417nanoid_extC++ extension for nanoid gem: A tiny, secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator.
144,7393,417middleman-liaisonLiaison is a fancier sounding name for a middleman. Liaison is also ...
144,7393,417snow_reportProvides snow condition data for various US ski resorts
144,7393,417is_multitenantRails ActiveRecord extension for enforcing multi-tenancy in a shared database. Does NOT...
144,7393,417good_mailerMaking scouts from eBay items since 2014
144,7393,417config_thisCreate a configuration object with yaml, json, env variables, or ruby
144,7393,417jquery-titlealert-railsThis gem adds jquery-titlealert to your rails app
144,7393,417highwaysruby on highway.
144,7393,417lorem_wdipsumLorem Ipsum generator custom tailored to WDI Lambda
144,7393,417snake_caserA simple Ruby library that provides snake casing functionality
144,7393,417aspose_cad_cloudThis SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...
144,7393,417feldpost-actionwebserviceAdds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack
144,7393,417rocas_studio_gameThis gem contains the code examples I did in the Pragmatic Studio ruby class. Its also ...
144,7393,417dynamodb-sidekiq-schedulerLight weight job scheduling extension for Sidekiq that adds support for queueing jobs i...
144,7393,417inioperatorOperate ini file by calling methods
144,7393,417openai_chatgptOpenAI ChatGPT API is a light-weight Ruby wrapper for the Rubyists. [`gpt-4`, `gpt-4-0...
144,7393,417timetrap-hipchatExtends the Timetrap timetracker by providing command hooks to notify a Hipchat room wh...