Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145501-145520 of all 180,404 gems.
145,4993,388old_schoolProvides an interface to work with a Powerful SIS REST API
145,4993,388webget-active_record_memoize_instance_methodsActiveRecord will extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable for instance methods
145,4993,388database-cloner-railsTo create the database backup and restore.
145,4993,388email_graphGraph data from emails.
145,4993,388webhdfs-rlzRuby WebHDFS/HttpFs client
145,4993,388capistrano-templCapistrano template plugin
145,4993,388uppercrustConvert your JSON schema files to Mantle compatible Objective-C models
145,4993,388telegraph_api_rubyFully working http client for supporting DomToNode processing
145,4993,388httpcapA configurable and extensible, HTTP proxy and capture library, implementing the Browser...
145,4993,388adventHave fun with the Advent of Code using Ruby.
145,4993,388logstash-output-influxThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
145,4993,388perceptDetect lines in an image
145,4993,388voteable_jameshA voting gem.
145,4993,388infinum_azureAuthentication mechanism for Rails apps with devise via OAuth2
145,4993,388simple_phone_validationDescription of SimplePhoneValidation.
145,4993,388ruboty-silentruboty plugin for non verbose.
145,4993,388schwenk_itHauptsach gutt gess. Schwenk my array.
145,4993,388rspec-notify-documentation-formatNotification for Rspec with Growl. Forked, rebuild to provide documentation format
145,4993,388weppos-google_analytics_on_railsGoogleAnalyticsOnRails is a Ruby on Rails plugin designed to make easier to integra...
145,4993,388xli-growling_testGrowlingTest is a tool for notifying test running status by Growl.