Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
146901-146920 of all 180,434 gems.
146,8823,337has_token_fieldExtend ActiveRecord models to generate uniq secure tokens before saving
146,8823,337metricutionAbsolutely nothign to see here yet. Move along.
146,9033,336omniauth-fedenaOmniauth provider for fedena school management system
146,9033,336fableAn Ink runtime for Ruby
146,9033,336voteable_hunterA voting gem, developed first for my Postit app
146,9033,336meganePrint megane.
146,9033,336swerling-synapseSynapse is a web application framework that does practically nothing. Basically this i...
146,9033,336splendidWant to test if a webpage looks as expected? Use splendid in your tests to make sure st...
146,9033,336ruby_nosA gem to provide microservices autodiscovery to Ruby microservices.
146,9033,336robobotAutomate tasks with mouse and keyboard inputs.
146,9033,336movie_theater_fpThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
146,9033,336voteable_tim_jan15voting gem
146,9033,336ujihisa-net-https-wrapperFor a programmer who thinks net/https of ruby standard library sucks.
146,9033,336hennk-ec2onrailsClient-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to EC2 on Rails se...
146,9033,336tads6_julioAtividade avaliativa
146,9033,336vegantech-activerecord-sqlserver-adapterSQL Server adapter for Active Record
146,9033,336threedaymonk-htmlbeautifierA normaliser/beautifier for HTML that also understands embedded Ruby.
146,9033,336gem_sflemingA simple hello world gem
146,9033,336e1612kt_mybirthdayWrite a longer description or delete this line.
146,9033,336rebootWrite a longer description. Optional.