Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147101-147120 of all 180,418 gems.
147,0853,329kubicek-aresSimple library for querying Ares system in Czech republic with translation of labels.
147,0853,329elasticsearch_distance_unit_validatorValidator for Elasticsearch distance units.
147,0853,329cenit_clientRuby client for pushing data to Cenit
147,0853,329remixr-prashanthwrapper for the BestBuy Remix api
147,0853,329kusor-sinatra_mailerSinatra::Mailer extension extracted from Merb::Mailer by Nicolás Sanguinetti.
147,0853,329khaleesiKhaleesi is a blog-aware or documentation-aware static site generator write in Ruby, su...
147,0853,329ppmtogdlPpmToGdl generates GDL PPM definitions from a PrimaryParameters.xml file.
147,0853,329linkingpaths-acts_as_videoclubExternal Video management plugin.
147,0853,329innetra-acts_as_seekableSeekable (search) functionality for Rails applications
147,0853,329jnunemaker-sirenJSON parser that understands cross-references and casts to typed Ruby objects. Implemen...
147,0853,329omniauth_alipaythis is a alipay oauth 2.0 gem based on omniauth
147,0853,329lattes_apiLattes API client for Ruby.
147,1133,328spree_active_model_serializerSpree API with Active Model Serializer
147,1133,328irjudson-persevereThis gem provides a simple ruby wrapper around the persevere JSON document data store a...
147,1133,328neural_networksNeuronal Networks algoritms
147,1133,328meskyanichi-acts_as_listGem version of acts_as_list Rails plugin.
147,1133,328jcnetdev-acts_as_listAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily ordered via position attributes
147,1133,328julik-rutilsSimple processing of russian strings
147,1133,328intljs-railsThis gem provides Intl.js, Compatibility implementation of the ECMAScript International...
147,1133,328mcapi-uuidMinecraft username uuid api for ruby