Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147621-147640 of all 180,402 gems.
147,5963,310jaikoo-thinking-sphinxA concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...
147,5963,310kumo-fakerFork of
147,5963,310martiantim-hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
147,6243,309cant_evenA library for reducing disparity.
147,6243,309jieba_ffiAn wrapper around libcppjieba for Ruby.
147,6243,309guard-flowGuard plugin for Flow type checks
147,6243,309jsc3d-js-railsThis gem provides js3d driver for your Rails 3+ application.
147,6243,309macblamemacblame shows stats about the files tracked by git. It uses the output of 'git blame' ...
147,6243,309juliocesar-goingtorain-cliA command line interface for
147,6243,309kjvarga-racka modular Ruby webserver interface
147,6243,309lucashungaro-matchyHate writing assertions? Need a little behavior-driven love in your tests? Then match...
147,6243,309isaacfeliu-beanstalk-clientRuby client library for the Beanstalk protocol
147,6243,309aws4-nycdaThe approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body
147,6243,309interpark-book인터파크 도서 API
147,6243,309cinqcss_railscinq.css for rails
147,6243,309pg-searchableSimple full-text searching for Rails
147,6243,309capistrano3-asg-deployGet all instances in an AutoScaling group by AutoScaling group name.
147,6243,309landable_publicistLanding page storage, rendering, tracking, and management FrontEnd / API
147,6243,309aria_sdk_unofficialWrapper to connect to the Aria API's in an easy to use manner