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148581-148600 of all 180,418 gems.
148,5703,282splattael-structrStructure plain text.
148,5703,282zunscriptThe main goals are to boil the language down to a tiny but substantial feature set and ...
148,5703,282hola_otterA simple hello world gem
148,5703,282string-is_intif the string is a integer string return true else false
148,5703,282morten-ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
148,5703,282ninjudd-unicode_collationAdd unicode collation key from ICU library to String.Add unicode collation key from ICU...
148,5703,282truelayerTruelayer client
148,5703,282minicount-railsRails wrapper for jQuery miniCount plugin
148,5703,282jcnetdev-ssl_requirementSSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only b...
148,5703,282jferris-sconnectSconnect extends ActiveRecord's named_scope chains to allow scopes to be combined inclu...
148,5703,282integrity-bobetteBob's sister
148,5703,282tsion-rbrainfuckA brainfuck interpreter in Ruby
148,5703,282synthemesc-codexCodex network machine
148,5703,282mrackThis is micro rack
148,5703,282hola_douzmanianA simple hello world gem
148,5703,282cocoapods-linklineA plug-in that can customize component dependencies, static libraries/dynamic libraries.
148,5703,282raktrRaktr is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern, ma...
148,5703,282tonyday-annotateAnnotates Rails Models, routes, and others
148,5703,282wechselkurseWechselkurse is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for some APIs of currency exchange rates.