Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148601-148620 of all 180,434 gems.
148,5863,282string-is_intif the string is a integer string return true else false
148,5863,282ninjudd-unicode_collationAdd unicode collation key from ICU library to String.Add unicode collation key from ICU...
148,5863,282minicount-railsRails wrapper for jQuery miniCount plugin
148,5863,282jcnetdev-ssl_requirementSSL requirement adds a declarative way of specifying that certain actions should only b...
148,5863,282jferris-sconnectSconnect extends ActiveRecord's named_scope chains to allow scopes to be combined inclu...
148,5863,282integrity-bobetteBob's sister
148,5863,282apphtml_layerAdd a basic HTML wrapper to your Ruby object. Suitable for use with a web server.
148,5863,282tsion-rbrainfuckA brainfuck interpreter in Ruby
148,5863,282synthemesc-codexCodex network machine
148,5863,282mrackThis is micro rack
148,5863,282hola_douzmanianA simple hello world gem
148,5863,282raktrRaktr is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor pattern, ma...
148,5863,282voteable_dmmAllows voting on objects
148,5863,282tonyday-annotateAnnotates Rails Models, routes, and others
148,5863,282actie_smscThis gem based on the ruby library described on:
148,5863,282staugaard-ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
148,5863,282motion-callbackAllows for multi-branch callbacks from a single method. This allows for blocks of code ...
148,6183,281apiable_model_errorsAvoid sending plain text messages to API consumers by sending them more detailed inform...
148,6183,281qoobaa-pgprovides the module "pg", a Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL
148,6183,281photographerTest for visual regressions using your existing testing stack.