Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148841-148860 of all 182,407 gems.
148,8223,396mgreenly-s3syncrsync like tool for Amazon S3
148,8223,396lintci-rubocopA small wrapper around Rubocop that standardizes the command for LintCI
148,8223,396mqhz_palindromeMy Personal palindrome detector.
148,8223,396newbamboo-rspecBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
148,8223,396mudnaes-dbstructThis is a very simple framework to be able to access database rows as objects without f...
148,8223,396foxtrot-client# Foxtrot Ruby Client Library This is the Ruby client library for interacting with the...
148,8223,396sluggable_steven_huangThe best slug gem ever.
148,8223,396justsayinjustsayin is a practice gem
148,8223,396qreplayCapture and replay HTTP traffic
148,8223,396joshbuddy-rack-capabilitiesDiscover rack middleware
148,8223,396jasper-backendRequired dependency for Jasper (Video Management System).
148,8223,396asset_oss_rails4asset_oss is a library for uploading static assets to Aliyun OSS.
148,8223,396mchung-rcovrcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test uni...
148,8223,396tucubitpago de bitcoins en pesos
148,8223,396nuweOfficial Ruby client for Nuwe.
148,8223,396obfsctrObfuscates text which has been marked for obfuscation
148,8223,396db_automateAn easy way to automate database queries and export the results with Ruby.
148,8223,396midas-g_nested_selectA Guilded ( Rails component that generates ...
148,8223,396foursquare_nextGives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...