Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149201-149220 of all 180,434 gems.
149,1963,263abelardPersist blogs and similar web content as sharable git repositories
149,1963,263mini_decoratorMinimal decoration of Ruby objects using a "decorate" method.
149,1963,263ruboty-icon_rouletteruboty handler for change bot's icon at random.
149,1963,263ashtonw-slatherTest coverage reports for Xcode projects
149,1963,263ensure_arrayEnsures something is an array
149,1963,263umbraTest and shadow your cloud infrastructure
149,1963,263moro-logger_exception_formatlet ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger log an exception detail.
149,1963,263dkvA simple dynamodb-based key value command line client.
149,1963,263eldr-sessionsSession helpers for the Eldr ruby framework
149,1963,263lazy_boyGem with layout and configs for lazy programmer.
149,1963,263pelle-dry_scaffoldA DRYer scaffold generator for Rails. Generates dry semantic and standards compliant vi...
149,1963,263Rodreegez-integrity-emailEasily let Integrity send emails after each build
149,1963,263verifierVariables verification.
149,1963,263shoppe-notificationA Shoppe module which emails staff on new orders
149,1963,263thoughtbot-hoptoad_notifierRails plugin that reports exceptions to Hoptoad.
149,1963,263newbamboo-modmonkey_clientClient gem for modmonkey
149,1963,263rack-trailing_slashesRack middleware to improve seo by reducing duplicate content from your website
149,1963,263sentimetnalSimple Ruby sentiment analyzer based on the AFINN word list. Returns a float value for ...