Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149881-149900 of all 180,418 gems.
149,8633,239active_recorderThe gem creates a view, controller and routes to allow Rails developers to see their Ac...
149,8633,239openc3-tool-tlmviewerThis plugin adds the OpenC3 Tlm Viewer tool
149,8633,239thumblemonks-thumblemonks-shoulda_action_mailerShoulda macros and more assertions for Action Mailer and ActionMailer::TestCase; now in...
149,8633,239jekyll_injectorA test plugin for Jekyll's 'gem' config option
149,8633,239enumerator_concurrentfor each iteration a new thread is started.Then the started threads are joind
149,8633,239rinderonRuby for Windows Application with DirectX
149,8633,239ripta-juggernautSee Plugin README:
149,8883,238dep2Example dependency gem for Thotcon 0x6
149,8883,238zing-downloadA simple hello world gem
149,8883,238rails_dynamic_errorsDynamic error page generation in Rails
149,8883,238openrtb-clientOpenRTB Ruby Client
149,8883,238randstrSimple random string genarator
149,8883,238raidzklart_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
149,8883,238rspec-change_collectionRSpec extension gem for attribute matching
149,8883,238scottmotte-dm-coreFaster, Better, Simpler.
149,8883,238dogeify_dereConvert everyday boring English into doge speak!
149,8883,238peterpunk-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
149,8883,238remi-andrakeA collection of Rake/Ruby tools/libraries for making Android development easier and mor...
149,8883,238deflectAutomatically fix mis-pluralized model names