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Most downloads over all time
150081-150100 of all 180,402 gems.
150,0643,230rql-parserRqlParser is a gem for using RQL as valid params
150,0643,230saturnflyer-acts_as_treeacts_as_tree as a gem
150,0643,230ruboty-ircRuboty IRC adapter
150,0643,230fuel_prices_europeFind the current fuel prices in Europe. The average fuel price for each European countr...
150,0643,230insightmineThis is first gem for insigthMine system
150,0643,230strawpollWith the help of this gem you can manipulate with polls of service
150,0643,230pivotal-pivotal-apdexCalculate apdex scores from an Apache or Nginx log
150,0643,230slillibri-cassandraA Ruby client for Cassandra.
150,0893,229sprangular_cliCreate sprangular extensions
150,0893,229str_helper_jcString Helper
150,0893,229sbfaulkner-sinatra-helpersa bunch of useful helpers for sinatra applications
150,0893,229test_gem_erA gem to explain how to make gems
150,0893,229tychoA Rails ObjectSpace explorer
150,0893,229disjoint_setDisjoint-set data structure library.
150,0893,229waterslideUnix-style pipes in Ruby
150,0893,229openproject-ensure_project_hierarchyThis plugin ensures subproject identifiers are prefixes with their parent project's ide...
150,0893,229rmoriz-geoipA pure ruby geoip interface for .dat files
150,0893,229counterstringA simple library and binary for generating counterstrings.
150,0893,229remi-rack-oauthRack Middleware for OAuth Authorization
150,0893,229intimalWrite a longer description. Optional.