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151701-151720 of all 180,416 gems.
151,6973,154proto-MPS7Reads in and parses binary transaction log, txnlog.dat, according to the specifications...
151,6973,154coolifykThis is a gem that manages the creating of module
151,6973,154gpr-statusGpr plugin to show the status of all registered repositories
151,6973,154words_filterDescription of WordsFilter.
151,6973,154gitloc-kristaanelsonExample project for the Turing School of Software and Design, see
151,6973,154rails3-instantiationBackports instantiation instrumentation from rails master to rails 3.2.18
151,6973,154spira-active_record_isomorphismsspira-active_record_isomorphisms creates and manages bijections between Spira and Activ...
151,6973,154fruit_warehouseGive me a banana, I'll give you a monkey.
151,6973,154ksrbNamed by Kurosawa Ruby (:
151,6973,154sample_by_rateMethod to do sampling for Enumerable objects in specified rate.
151,6973,154calc_lmejiav6A calculator implementation on ruby
151,6973,154wikipedia_wrapperWikipediaWrapper is a ruby gem that extracts information from Wikipedia and makes the i...
151,6973,154isis-plugin-uptimeIsis plugin: Uptime
151,6973,154ok_aclUser management, control and permissions
151,6973,154wagglypupanother pup
151,6973,154opdbA ruby api-wrapper for the open pinball database
151,6973,154sean-rets[![Build Status](](http://...
151,7193,153stripe-toolkitToolkit for working with the Stripe API.
151,7193,153garyThe Garylang interpreter executes Garylang programs. What to do?