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Most downloads over all time
151781-151800 of all 180,392 gems.
151,7713,150rcomiskey_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
151,7713,150time_scalesDate/Time representations with specific scopes, units, and precisions
151,7713,150weather_underground_apiA simple class object to call weather underground's api with your developer key.
151,7713,150friendly-cukesFriendly-Cukes is a ready-to-use ruby-cucumber automation framework for both web and mo...
151,7853,149weatherstormA simple gem to get forecasts for locations.
151,7853,149pattern_libraryRails Engine-based CSS pattern library
151,7853,149nooneConvert a note string to MIDI note number.
151,7853,149trengsimply check chinese meaning of english word in command line
151,7853,149rails-utilDescription of RailsUtil.
151,7853,149NMathNMath serves to make mathematical operations more precise in Ruby.
151,7853,149twl_dryerdry your hands.
151,7853,149weighted-selectionSimple, weighted selection of items.
151,7853,149ember-routesThe ember-routes gem was created to facilitate easier testing with Capybara by prov...
151,7853,149ruboty-bestgemsAn Ruboty Handler + Actions to output Bestgems downloads or rank.
151,7853,149voteable_josiahA voting gem for basic posting apps
151,7853,149parse_image_urlparse image source url from twitter image post services
151,7853,149calc_rocampo3An calculator implementation on ruby
151,7853,149sinatra-json_rpcImplementation of JSON-RPC for Sinatra
151,7853,149rocket-ioWrite a longer description. Optional.
151,7853,149google-protocProtocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.