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152561-152580 of all 180,418 gems.
152,5593,107prime_timeCommand line program that prints out a table of primes with each cell containing the pr...
152,5593,107parassertCustom Assert runner for running tests in parallel.
152,5593,107bulma-cssAdds bulma.css to the rails asset pipeline
152,5593,107mygemsA simple hello world gem
152,5593,107object_patObject#pat a monkey patch to avoid temporary variable assignments.
152,5593,107rails-wikiThis engine uses gollum-lib to provide a very basic, opinionated wiki stored as a git r...
152,5593,107picturefill_railsRails wrapper for picturefill.
152,5593,107universal_validatorsLibrary to validate: date, date_time, ip address, mac address.
152,5593,107idgen32non-repeating ID generation covering an almost maximal 32-bit range.
152,5593,107calc_omontoy3An calculator implementation on ruby
152,5593,107cri-scaffoldQuickly lays out a scaffold for command-line apps using Cri.
152,5593,107material-jekyll-themeSimple theme based on Material Design.
152,5593, offers a range of services allowing the querying of domain name data. Track ...
152,5593,107ruboty-shinchokuHow is shinchoku?
152,5593,107middleman-gh-pages-winEasy deployment of Middleman sites to Github Pages
152,5593,107compact_log_formatterA Compact Log Formatter for Rails
152,5593,107scalemailFramework for microservises scaling using Docker and cloud platforms.
152,5593,107authentication_systemWell rounded authenticication system for use with authlogic.
152,5593,107logstash-output-beanstalkdThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...