Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
152821-152840 of all 180,418 gems.
152,8193,094playground-clientA client for the playground service
152,8193,094lazypager-railsInfinite scroll page lazy loading plugin for Ruby on Rails
152,8193,094carthagefetchAuto import frameworks into a project
152,8193,094sensu-plugins-puppet-disabledCheck for disabled puppet agent
152,8193,094active_endpointDescription of ActiveEndpoint.
152,8193,094ratapproxImproved rational approximation algorithm that overrides the to_r method of Float
152,8193,094seat_selectorA simple practice app demonstrating how to make a gem.
152,8193,094hiyokoMascot of Hiyoko
152,8193,094xcurlConvenient wrapper for curl adds some features like (saved sessions, parameters)
152,8193,094themes_for_rails4It allows an application to have many different ways of rendering static assets and dyn...
152,8193,094hermes-railsRails Action Mailer adapter for balancing multiple providers across email, SMS, and web...
152,8193,094snazzyA Snazzy README API generator built on SourceKitten
152,8193,094tttlockThe best voting gem ever.
152,8343,093murubyGame Engine for Android and GNU/Linux using mruby
152,8343,093calculatediscountA simple gem
152,8343,093okcomputer_html_viewhtml view for OK Computer.
152,8343,093active_admin_csv_with_bomGenerate csv with byte order mark for Active Admin
152,8343,093trix_railsTrix Rails is a package that install the assets for the Trix Editor and also adds a for...
152,8343,093octobertestA supersimple testing framework for Ruby
152,8343,093sonomaSonoma is the southwestern county and largest producer of California's Wine Country region