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153021-153040 of all 180,434 gems.
153,0173,083git_changehelp git to change author info, remote url and so on
153,0173,083langtasticExtracts IANA language subtags
153,0173,083parsejsParseJS is a JavaScript parser written using KPeg
153,0173,083strip_commentsUses regular expressions to strip things that look like comments from strings
153,0173,083tiny_ruby_serverA tiny, secure Ruby file server
153,0173,083string_work_tutterbackFollow along with Dave Jungst
153,0173,083SilverpopsSome basic cheetah mail API end points implemented
153,0173,083raw_date_detectordetects and returns true or false for raw life year dates. a raw year is any year that ...
153,0173,083studio_game_jjoSample program created during Pragmatic Programmer Ruby tutorial.
153,0173,083gridsterJS-railsgridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from ele...
153,0173,083steno-capiA thread-safe logging library designed to support multiple log destinations. With chang...
153,0173,083scrivito_text_image_widgetScrivito Widget to add a text image widget with editable floating, image description an...
153,0173,083blackerz-sdkBlackerz API wrapper written in Ruby.
153,0173,083kommedA ruby library for communicating with the KomMed API
153,0173,083mqtt_brokerIf linked with Rails it should be spawned in its own process away from rails to prevent...
153,0173,083matadoreEnter your address or zipcode and then specify what element you would like data on.
153,0173,083caring-nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
153,0403,082rspec-suite_initializerInitialize instance variables for RSpec on before :suite hook.