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153601-153620 of all 180,434 gems.
153,5833,055regexp_scanThis gem provide `String#scan` for CLI. Pickup strings that match the regular expressio...
153,6023,054functional_brainrubyNow with more functions!
153,6023,054etrWrite a longer description or delete this line.
153,6023,054junglerTakes a domain in parameters and gives info about hosting
153,6023,054issuereporter-railsIssuereporter is a system to allow anyone to report an issue to a GitHub repository.
153,6023,054itamae-plugin-recipe-plenvitamae plugin recipe plenv
153,6023,054minimal_stemmerImplements the "S-Stemmer" from "How Effective Is Suffixing?"
153,6023,054sithA macro preprocessor for Ruby with ruby-like template notation
153,6023,054redfishA lightweight library for configuring GlassFish/Payara servers.
153,6023,054numato-gpioNumatoGPIO interfaces with Numato GPIO board via USB interface.
153,6023,054omniauth-bonnier-admin-oauth2Bonnier Admin OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x
153,6023,054extensis_portfolioA simple wrapper for the Extensis Portfolio API using the SOAP client Savon and the HTT...
153,6023,054telegraphistTelegram Bot API client
153,6023,054studio_game_by_toni_ribStudioGame allows the user to play a game in which players can get w00ted or blammed on...
153,6023,054studio_game_rhino# studio_game_for_pragstudios_course
153,6023,054sensu-checks-php-fpmsensu gem to check php-fpm directly, without nginx or apache, using socket [or possibly...
153,6023,054logwriterThis is a debug helper object of class. It provides a variety of format of the log out...
153,6023,054minitest-hogSummarizes minitest tests, printing out tests that take too much memory.
153,6023,054IMFIMF is a library that provides image manipulation framework for Ruby scripts.
153,6203,053arlblorghThis is a engine that creates articles and comments for you on the fly