Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
154301-154320 of all 180,416 gems.
154,2843,013slugable_brentThe best slugging gem ever.
154,2843,013protocoreCreate configuration files for your whole CoreOS cluster based on templates
154,2843,013itamae-plugin-recipe-kzyty_mysqlItamae plugin to install mysql by package.
154,2843,013nsfw-rbDetect NSFW images quickly using a pre-trained model ported from nsfwjs
154,2843,013rlgtestMuch longer explanation of the example!
154,2843,013simple_scopellows you to define magic `scope`s on an ActiveRecord model without having to provide `...
154,2843,013rafael_fernandoThis is description and it's cool.
154,3083,012cm_gemThis gem is used for the email validation and basic string operation like left padding,...
154,3083,012mina-laravelTools to deploy Laravel apps with mina.
154,3083,012ruboty-growthforecastRuboty plugin for growthforecast
154,3083,012rwhichRuby Which
154,3083,012bejarBejar cli tools
154,3083,012lessonlyA ruby wrapper for the API.
154,3083,012rocket_chat-realtimeRocket.Chat realtime api client
154,3083,012t90xGem for
154,3083,012rails_inspectorRails inspection
154,3083,012simplehelloworldA simple hello world gem
154,3083,012fluent-plugin-downcase-keysFluentd output plugin. Downcases all keys and re-emit the records.
154,3083,012enotasEnotas ruby gem
154,3083,012rails_autosize_jqueryAutosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit ...