Spreadsheets and Documents Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1496515rooRoo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * OpenOffice * ...
2728722spreadsheetAs of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported
31,3591,537roo-xlsRoo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files. It can handle * OpenOffice * ...
41,5572,177axlsxxlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...
53,0652,497fast_excelWrapper for libxlsxwriter using ffi
64,6395,718docsplitDocsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents i...
74,7944,985spreadsheet_architectSpreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsh...
85,0716,406yomuRead text and metadata from files and documents (.doc, .docx, .pages, .odt, .rtf, .pdf)
912,10276,031robust_excel_oleRobustExcelOle helps controlling Excel. This obviously includes sta...