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==== Topic Maps for Rails (rtm-rails) RTM-Rails is the Rails-Adapter for Ruby Topic Maps. It allows simple configuration of topicmaps in config/topicmaps.yml. ==== Overview From a developer's perspective, RTM is a schema-less database management system. The Topic Maps standard (described below) on which RTM is based provides a way of creating a self-describing schema just by using it. You can use RTM as a complement data storage to ActiveRecord in your Rails apps. ==== Quickstart - existing Rails project jruby script/generate topicmaps Run the command above after installing rtm-rails. This will create * a minimal default configuration: config/topicmaps.yml and * a file with more examples and explanations config/topicmaps.example.yml * a file README.topicmaps.txt which contains more information how to use it and where to find more information * an initializer to load the topicmaps at startup * a rake task to migrate the topic maps backends in your rails application. ==== Quickstart - new Rails project For a new Rails application these are the complete initial steps: jruby -S rails my_topicmaps_app cd my_topicmaps_app jruby -S script/generate jdbc jruby -S script/generate topicmaps # The following lines are necessary because Rails does not have a template # for the H2 database and Ontopia does not support the Rails default SQLite3. sed -e "s/sqlite3/h2/" config/database.yml > config/database.yml.h2 mv config/database.yml.h2 config/database.yml # Prepare the database and then check if all is OK jruby -S rake topicmaps:migrate_backends jruby -S rake topicmaps:check ==== Usage inside the application When everything is fine, let's create our first topic: jruby -S script/console TM[:example].get!("") # and save the topic map TM[:example].commit Access the configured topic maps anywhere in your application like this: TM[:example] To retrieve all topics, you can do TM[:example].topics To retrieve a specific topic by its subject identifier: TM[:example].get("htt...


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