Ninech-bot's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0278,949cloudflairCloudflair aims to provide easy access to CloudFlare's public API.
216,77976,031rest-in-peaceLet your api REST in peace.
317,37128,629netbox-client-rubyA read/write client for Netbox v2.
420,4327,942nine-redmine-clientTo access the Redmine API from ruby scripts.
523,48414,615conyAutomatically sends notifications via AMQP when a model has been changed.
643,08776,031audited-timelineaudited-timeline provides timeline frontend to audited
755,05676,031amqp_helpersSimple helpers to achieve various AMQP tasks.
858,47476,031opentsdb-consumerClient library to consume metrics from OpenTSDB
999,28276,031telltaleReport Rails application metrics to OpenTSDB
10149,33376,031ordySimple sorting gem for RubyObject's and ORM's
11153,39676,031sidekiq-opentsdbSidekiq middleware to log useful sidekiq stats to OpenTSDB.
12160,83345,533bonanzaSome nice Rails enhancements for apps. A real bonanza!
13171,28245,533puppet-lint-global_definition-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests have no global resources.
14175,18245,533puppet-lint-nine-checkA collection of pupet-lint checks used at Nine.