1 | 3,548 | 4,404 | acts_as_commentable | Plugin/gem that provides comment functionality |
2 | 7,448 | 7,810 | sequel_polymorphic | A gem that provides Sequel::Models with polymorphic association capabilities |
3 | 17,600 | 76,031 | beet | A gem to help with easily generating projects |
4 | 76,531 | 40,711 | rspec_engine_generator | Thor based gem that generates an RSpec ready Rails 3 engine |
5 | 80,481 | 76,031 | rspec-engine-generator | Thor based gem that generates an RSpec ready Rails 3 engine |
6 | 93,789 | 76,031 | textmarks | Simple gem to communicate with the textmarks.com json API |
7 | 99,253 | 76,031 | lists | Simple engine to manage lists |
8 | 105,935 | 56,059 | assets | Assets is a simple gem that provides an ActiveRecord model that handles attachments via... |
9 | 118,519 | 56,059 | easy_routing | A collection of useful methods to make declaring a variety of rails 3 routes even easier |
10 | 151,700 | 76,031 | sanity_client | Ruby interface to the Sanity data system |