1 | 19,684 | 76,031 | madscience | Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes
Vagrant, Chef... |
2 | 20,405 | 20,294 | env_mem | EnvMem allows you to dump your GC.stat information from a long-running server, then pro... |
3 | 34,482 | 76,031 | libraries | Common Libraries and Ruby/Rails extensions |
4 | 45,040 | 20,868 | dgd-tools | dgd-tools supplies DGD Manifest and eventually perhaps other tools. DGD Manifest is an ... |
5 | 45,655 | 24,203 | cheaptoad | Add just a couple of lines to your app, and have it receive exceptions from your other ... |
6 | 66,513 | 76,031 | ruby_git_hooks | Ruby_git_hooks is a library to allow easy writing and installing of
git hooks in Ruby. ... |
7 | 70,493 | 76,031 | highlogger | A heirarchical component-based logging system |
8 | 85,255 | 45,533 | easypartials | EasyPartials are a way to make partials in Rails even easier! This is
an expansion of ... |
9 | 89,432 | 76,031 | integrator | Numerical integration framework |
10 | 117,844 | 56,059 | diffeq | Integrated DiffEQ solving system |
11 | 126,773 | 76,031 | simpleexpression | simple algebraic expressions library |
12 | 132,446 | 45,533 | demiurge | A creator and manager for game rules and state, separate from displaying and controllin... |
13 | 154,740 | 45,533 | didgood | DidGood is an experimental library and packaging system for the DGD language. |
14 | 158,113 | 76,031 | scarpe | Scarpe - shoes but running on webview |
15 | 160,790 | 56,059 | wafer | Wafer is a development-only AuthD/CtlD and web server for developing your SkotOS-based ... |
16 | 162,224 | 76,031 | andor | Andor is a simple name generator based on an 'And/Or' JSON format. It includes simple e... |
17 | 163,121 | 56,059 | r00lz | A Rack web framework, intended to teach Rails and its metaprogramming tricks, in a simp... |
18 | 171,907 | 76,031 | mintiest | This just includes Minitest. Hey, did you know MacOS autocorrects 'minitest' to 'mintie... |
19 | 172,142 | 45,533 | the_path | The_path lets you write email chains and classes in a convenient DSL. After building a ... |
20 | 174,622 | 56,059 | lacci | Lacci - a portable Shoes DSL with switchable display backends, part of Scarpe |
21 | 175,627 | 76,031 | scarpe-components | Reusable components for Scarpe display libraries |
22 | 177,237 | 76,031 | bloops | arcade sounds and chiptunes |
23 | 179,406 | 76,031 | shoes-spec | The Shoes Spec intends to test Shoes capability and compliance for different display li... |
24 | 179,875 | 76,031 | gtk-scarpe | Shoes is a GUI DSL standard for writing desktop windowed apps in Ruby. Scarpe implement... |
25 | 180,762 | 76,031 | scarpe-wasm | A WASM display library for Scarpe. |
26 | 182,127 | 76,031 | space_shoes | An implementation of the Shoes GUI library in embedded HTML, and using HTML and Wasm ge... |