Kojix2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,06014,320ruby-grGR framework - the graphics library for visualisation - for Ruby
231,18012,630libuiRuby bindings to libui
343,24823,781gray_scott_gtk3Reaction diffusion system (Gray-Scott model).
449,37821,017youplotA command line tool for Unicode Plotting
550,28518,457minimap2Ruby bindings to the Minimap2 aligner.
654,95521,017htslibHTSlib bindings for Ruby
758,19129,333rdatasetsRuby package for loading classical data sets vailable in R
882,65343,868ffi-bitfieldbit fields for Ruby-FFI
983,80649,194libsswRuby bindings for libssw
1084,48539,725yardview_gtk3Simple GUI application to show the yard documents of installed Gems.
1187,16827,651ruby-igvControl IGV (Integrative Genomics Viewer) with Ruby.
12106,595141,617bio-twobitThis is a Ruby binding for lib2bit(https://github.com/dpryan79/lib2bit), which provides...
13128,56839,725rubio-radioRubio is a simple radio player written in Ruby.
14137,495141,617biocgembiocgem command line tools
15138,651141,617daru-apiclientGet JSON data from RestAPI with httparty and create Daru::DataFrame.
16143,27849,194multipullGit pull multiple repositories at once
17146,90136,317umapppUmappp wrapper for Ruby
18153,976141,617edlibLightweight, super fast C/C++ library for sequence alignment using edit (Levenshtein) d...
19156,15479,870json_viewer_gtk3Simple GUI Json Viewer
2095,00221,074openai-gym-rubyOpenAI gym interface for Ruby (for fun, not for serious use)
21159,528141,617bio-cgrangesGenomic interval overlap queries
22172,002101,388miniflowA very small tool to help you execute workflows
24173,06279,870red-amber-viewA Data Viewer for RedAmber. Opens a window and displays a spreadsheet-like table.
25173,146101,388gr-plotGR's matlab-like high-level API.
26174,231141,617bio-bigwigThis is a Ruby binding for libBigWig (https://github.com/dpryan79/libBigWig), which pro...
27175,95579,870rinruby-edgeRinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...
28176,187141,617c2ffi4rbImport C2FFI JSON to ruby/ffi
29176,23479,870ruby-minigraphRuby bindings for minigraph (bioinformatics)
30160,07649,230ffi-bitstructbit fields for Ruby-FFI
31168,70012,983twobitThis is a Ruby binding for lib2bit(https://github.com/dpryan79/lib2bit), which provides...
32178,33179,870red-candlehuggingface/candle for Ruby
33160,86433,085grayscottReaction diffusion system (Gray-Scott model).