1 | 11,355 | 47,329 | better_record | This app extends active record to allow you to change the polymorphic type value in rel... |
2 | 29,758 | 18,539 | csv_rb | csv_rb provides an csv renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from your con... |
3 | 36,658 | 74,510 | conversation_forms | conversation_forms allows you to create a form that runs as a chat conversation for the... |
4 | 42,304 | 74,510 | gameboard | A clean functional gameboard for CLI games in ruby, that will return and place pieces b... |
5 | 44,184 | 30,170 | rockpaperscissorsbattle | Battle it out with classic Rock Paper Scissors. |
6 | 46,222 | 47,329 | store_as_int | Seamlessly store different types of values (such as dollars) as integers |
7 | 54,432 | 74,510 | documentize | Pass in a cluttered, or just undocumented ruby file and get back a well-spaced file wit... |
8 | 56,706 | 74,510 | associate_jsonb | This gem extends ActiveRecord to add additional functionality to JSONB
- use PostgreSQ... |
9 | 109,796 | 33,946 | pingpongpairing | This gem uses ngrok and sinatra to automate ping pong style pairing setups |
10 | 122,652 | 74,510 | secure_web_token | Generate, encrypt, and decrypt signed JSON web tokens |
11 | 128,412 | 38,694 | nacl_password | Easier encryption and decryption with libsodium while remaining configurable
with v... |
12 | 169,329 | 74,510 | coerce_boolean | Adds a default #to_bool method to Object and adds
the CoerceBoolean class to parse ... |
13 | 172,768 | 74,510 | tiny_fake_redis | The class in this Gem mimics the calls of `redis-rb` to allow running commands in devel... |