Gettalong's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1208224kramdownkramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax defi...
2338256kramdown-parser-gfmkramdown-parser-gfm provides a kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown
32,0931,628cmdparsecmdparse provides classes for parsing (possibly nested) commands on the command line; ...
42,2631,569hexapdfHexaPDF is a pure Ruby library with an accompanying application for working with PDF fi...
52,6281,660geom2dObjects and Algorithms for 2D Geometry
69,8456,550kramdown-converter-pdfkramdown-converter-pdf uses Prawn to convert a kramdown document to PDF
711,38123,418webgenwebgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...
818,2879,006kramdown-syntax-coderaykramdown-syntax-coderay uses coderay to highlight code blocks/spans
920,9769,737kramdown-math-katexkramdown-math-katex uses KaTeX to convert math elements to HTML on the server side
1088,86125,572hexapdf-cextFaster implementation of some HexaPDF algorithms in C for still more performance
1193,17676,031xmlresume2xxmlresume2x can convert CVs written in the XML Resume Library format (http://xmlresume....
1294,03376,031smagacorSmagacor is a collection of some small games, like TicTacToe and Pong. Adding new games...
13104,80056,059kramdown-math-sskatexkramdown-math-sskatex uses katex to convert math elements to HTML+MathML on the server ...
14119,80376,031kramdown-math-mathjaxnodekramdown-math-mathjaxnode uses mathjax-node to convert math elements to MathML
15120,83076,031kramdown-math-itex2mmlkramdown-math-itex2mml uses itex2mml to convert math elements to MathML
16123,43076,031ruby-amtIntel AMT (Active Management Technology) is available on every computer having the Inte...
17130,95776,031webgen-templates-bundleThis webgen extension bundle provides 10+ website templates that can be used when creat...
18132,73830,156hexapdf-extrasAdditional functionality for HexaPDF
19137,88276,031webgen-zurb_foundation-bundleThis webgen extension bundle provides the ZURB Foundation framework. It allows the easy...
20139,03776,031webgen-font_awesome-bundleThis webgen extension bundle provides the Font Awesome icon font and the needed Sass fi...
21139,39476,031webgen-tipue_search-bundleTipue Search is a site search engine which uses jQuery. It can use a pre-built search i...
22140,38676,031webgen-content_processor_emoticon-bundleThis bundle adds a content processor for converting text emoticons into image emoticons...
23141,48876,031webgen-sass_twitter_bootstrap-bundleThis webgen extension bundle provides the Sass port of the Twitter Bootstrap framework....
24146,25876,031kramdown-math-ritexkramdown-math-ritex uses ritex to convert math elements to MathML