1 | 2,800 | 7,087 | ice_age | Freeze your ENVironment for testing. |
2 | 2,855 | 4,472 | meddleware | A middleware framework to make meddling easy. |
3 | 2,876 | 14,778 | berater | work...within limits |
4 | 3,449 | 7,098 | sql_enum | Enable using native sql enums |
5 | 4,146 | 6,397 | webmock-twirp | Twirp support for WebMock |
6 | 4,744 | 5,527 | rspec-uuid | RSpec UUID matcher |
7 | 5,036 | 6,903 | rspec-protobuf | RSpec matchers for Protobuf |
8 | 5,065 | 6,889 | rspec-twirp | Twirp RSpec matchers |
9 | 5,184 | 18,321 | rekey | Reformat Enumerables into Hashes, using derived keys / values |
10 | 5,186 | 18,321 | pluckit | Extract values from Enumerables |
11 | 6,561 | 5,595 | rubocop-twirp | ... |
12 | 12,476 | 40,711 | network_resiliency | ... |
13 | 53,937 | 76,031 | theusual | A handful of useful hacks...good for any project |
14 | 57,937 | 76,031 | hmap | Improved Hash mapping functions |
15 | 68,829 | 76,031 | monkey-reloader | fast IRB reloading for non-conventional file naming, using git
change tracking |
16 | 73,680 | 76,031 | rack-berater | limit incoming requests |
17 | 91,223 | 76,031 | autographql | Automagically generate GraphQL types and queries |
18 | 111,808 | 76,031 | amenable | Flexibility when you need it. |
19 | 119,484 | 76,031 | thing_or_things | Making gets and multigets one and the same |
20 | 137,140 | 76,031 | irbrc | irbrc loader |
21 | 168,811 | 76,031 | uri-requests | URI::HTTP requests made easier |
22 | 171,785 | 76,031 | api_avenger | ... |
23 | 174,023 | 45,533 | cloud_context | ... |
24 | 175,905 | 76,031 | redis_lua_script | Redis Lua script optimization |
25 | 181,741 | 76,031 | rspec-networking | RSpec matchers for IP and MAC Addresses |