1 | 117,967 | 76,031 | jets-rubocop | RuboCop plugins and configuration for Jets |
2 | 118,463 | 76,031 | jets-cli | Jets CLI for using Jets with your Rails application |
3 | 127,605 | 76,031 | jets-testing | Common configuration for RSpec and a dummy application |
4 | 128,776 | 76,031 | jets-railtie | jets-railtie provides the official integration of Jets gems with Ruby on Rails framework. |
5 | 149,740 | 76,031 | actions | Action! |
6 | 162,698 | 56,059 | get-jets | get-jets provides the official integration of Jets gems with Ruby on Rails framework. |
7 | 173,226 | 76,031 | roseflow-proxycurl | Proxycurl integration for Roseflow. |
8 | 173,838 | 76,031 | jets-factory | Common FactoryBot utils for Jets application development |
9 | 173,876 | 76,031 | jets-bundler | Bundler patches for Jets |
10 | 177,315 | 76,031 | roseflow-tiktoken | Tiktoken tokenizer for Roseflow. |
11 | 177,458 | 76,031 | roseflow | Roseflow is a library for effortlessly building interactions with AI |
12 | 177,633 | 76,031 | roseflow-openai | OpenAI integration and models for Roseflow. |
13 | 177,845 | 76,031 | roseflow-openrouter | OpenRouter integration and support for Roseflow |
14 | 179,524 | 76,031 | roseflow-rails | Integrates Roseflow with Ruby on Rails |
15 | 179,760 | 76,031 | roseflow-pinecone | Pinecone vector database integration and support for Roseflow. |
16 | 180,851 | 76,031 | roseflow-stabilityai | StabilityAI integration and models for Roseflow |