Nsommer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,0008,949nxt_http_clientNxtHttpClient allows you to easily create and configure http clients.
218,6959,275nxt_supportSupport through reusable Mixins and Helpers for Ruby on Rails Applications
321,1549,275nxt_vcr_harnessNames your vcr cassettes based on your rspec examples and let's you pass in options on ...
421,1728,894nxt_copGetsafe shared Rubocop.
521,45610,279nxt_pipelineDSL to build Pipeline with mountable Segments to process things.
621,6429,072nxt_error_registryRegistry to register errors with unique codes and more.
722,6839,195nxt_configCreate namespaced, immutable objects serving configuration properties to your ruby appl...
825,2279,312nxt_heroku_envHelpers to ask which heroku environment an app runs in.
965,08811,890nxt_schemaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
10100,45535,654encryptable_attributesDSL for encryption and decryption of attributes in ActiveRecord models
11163,59376,031model_orchestrationIn more complex workflows, multiple models that are related to each other need to be cr...
12175,44376,031patternifyPatternify provides a DSL optimized for readability to describe Regexp patterns.