Annacrombie's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,33856,059aniviewBrowse local media, based on cmus
241,07956,059zashokuinspired by cmus, vim, and rails
361,38656,059alt_printfA powerful printf-like template language
469,85176,031altprintfA powerful printf-like template language
575,19276,031glossyncA simple mixin to help make ActiveRecord models with localized strings easier to deal with
684,70456,059kaichoa resource manager
791,42030,156chickpeaA simple stash
8108,18430,156class_noteswrap a classes instance methods in logic that keeps track of their actions
9110,27676,031hummussimple config helper
10139,63345,533file_indexerKeep track of files in a directory
11158,43945,533cstashA simple stash
12167,59276,031polymathpolynomial library
13171,72476,031packservA simple TCP server/client