Armando1339's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
157,30838,031model_token_authPlugin RoR that generates tokens in models and authentication in the controllers.
292,85470,697cfdi_processorExtracts the information from the cfdi and converts it into a hash
3103,01484,840sentiment_trackerPlugin Rails for keep track of sentiment analysis processes
4113,195105,358comment_meAttached comments for ActiveRecord models
5116,588105,358synchronized_modelsAdd a model into another model with an external database connection.
6149,989136,377sentiment-allsentiment-al is Sentiment Analysis Service that allow the analysis of text throught SEN...
7172,026168,370check_in_objectsRails plugin that do check-in/check-out of models of ActiveRecord.