#1143's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,81676,031bio-signalpA wrapper for the signal peptide prediction algorith SignalP. Not very well supported, ...
249,30656,059wwood-rarffRarff is a Ruby library for dealing with Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. A...
360,45676,031array_pairrandom useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes
460,46576,031bio-plasmoapThe PlasmoAP algorithm (Foth and Ralph et. al. 2003) predicts apicoplast transit peptid...
569,34376,031gorubyGoRuby makes it easy to interact with the Gene Ontology by using the infrastructure set...
674,53576,031rarffLibrary for handling Weka ARFF files
784,46976,031bio-cnls_screenscraperProgrammatic interface to the cNLS nuclear localisation signal prediction software