Neume's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,242102,580querykoThis gem provides additional functionality on your query objects. It will filter and pa...
298,901102,580adminlte_themeCaters the base theme of AdminLTE by Almsaeed Studio. Plugins are not included by defau...
3125,875102,580sugpokoModularize your prawnpdf code
4128,92440,625chordprokoIt converts ChordPro File to a readable plain text chord sheet
5158,98572,252activitykoAn activity logger for rails 5 that provides view helpers to render basic format of act...
6166,06357,074mock_record"It is a minimal base class that acts like an ActiveRecord without a match...
7167,605102,580posko-browserA browser terminal for [POSko]( This plugin is specific...