Kylekirkby's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4523,022jumbo-jekyll-themeThis is a Bootstrap 3 Jekyll Theme built for Linaro Static Websites
26,6583,478linaro-jekyll-themeLinaro's bootstrap 4/jekyll 4 static website theme.
326,360102,580seriously_simple_static_starterThe Seriously Simple Static Starter is a lightweight and optimsied Jekyll theme. This t...
458,01322,299jekyll-theme-assets-updatedA Jekyll plugin, that allows you to use private and public assets defined in a gem-base...
596,78740,625jekyll-data-revisedA plugin to read '_config.yml' and data files within Jekyll theme-gems
6103,13940,625jumbo-jekyll-theme-testThe jumbo-jekyll-theme aims to provide an fast static theme for use across Linaro sites...
7121,17057,074jekyll-4-picture-tagJekyll Picture Tag is a liquid tag that adds responsive images to your Jekyll static si...
8126,30957,074jekyll-picture-tag-latestJekyll Picture Tag is a liquid tag that adds responsive images to your Jekyll static si...
9167,73657,074jekyll-cache-busterA simple Jekyll Cache Buster for CSS/JS in static Jekyll sites. I've created thi...