Kortirso's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,2717,769open_street_mapIntegration with OpenStreetMap API
229,76112,280emailbutlerEmailbutler allows you to track delivery status of emails sent by your app.
355,6339,737que-viewRails engine as web interface for Que for inspecting jobs.
459,84876,031mobilepayActions with payments in MobilePay system
567,54056,059yandex-translator-apiGem for sending words for translation to Yandex Translator API
678,63876,031survey_monkey_apiActions with surveys in SurveyMonkey system
793,14876,031vk_api_simpleIntegration with Vkontakte API
8110,01040,711discord_botRuby wrapper for discord bot api
9118,79040,711exchange_rates_apiRuby wrapper for different exchange rates apis
10119,85476,031google_directions_apiIntegration with Google Directions API
11121,52876,031yandex_cloudAPI wrapper for Yandex Cloud services, such as Yandex.Translate
12121,78676,031kudosAchievements engine for Rails application similar to World of Warcraft achievements sys...
13127,25624,203commentoCommento allows to work with database comments.
14157,62976,031tinkoff_investRuby wrapper for Tinkoff Invest API
15166,96276,031yandex-metricsGem for interaction with Yandex Metrics API
16170,69776,031learn_kitTools for machine learning with ruby
17174,23276,031moex_apiRuby wrapper for MOEX API
18174,57976,031tinkoff_apiRuby wrapper for Tinkoff API
19175,56276,031service_operatorWrite a longer description or delete this line.