1 | 24,622 | 16,932 | haiti-hash | Hash type identifier (CLI & lib). |
2 | 39,187 | 14,130 | ctf-party | A CLI tool & library to enhance and speed up script/exploit writing for CTF players (or... |
3 | 58,967 | 40,711 | pass-station | CLI & library to search for default credentials among thousands of Products / Vendors |
4 | 59,708 | 76,031 | nvd_feed_api | A simple API for NVD CVE feeds |
5 | 64,328 | 76,031 | tls-map | CLI & library for mapping TLS cipher algorithm names: IANA, OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS;get in... |
6 | 71,562 | 76,031 | rabid | A library and CLI tool allowing to decode all 4 types of BigIP cookies |
7 | 115,230 | 25,572 | bqm | Deduplicate custom BloudHound queries from different datasets and merge them in one cus... |
8 | 117,826 | 76,031 | pixelchart | Create a binary pixel map |
9 | 127,579 | 76,031 | vbsmin | VBScript minifier CLI tool and library |
10 | 150,800 | 76,031 | vrt-cli | A simple tool to visualize VRT (Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy) from the CLI. |
11 | 154,868 | 76,031 | itdis | Is a small tool that allows you to check if a list of domains you have been provided is... |
12 | 170,067 | 76,031 | unisec | Toolkit for security research manipulating Unicode: confusables, homoglyphs, hexdump, c... |
13 | 178,720 | 76,031 | aspisec | Vacuuming out the remnants of offensive tools. AspiSec is responsible for removing the ... |
14 | 178,908 | 56,059 | dcdetector | Find computer name, FQDN, and IP address(es) of all DCs. |
15 | 179,524 | 76,031 | adassault | An Active Directory environments pentest tool complementary to existing ones like NetExec |
16 | 180,191 | 76,031 | kh2hc | Convert OpenSSH known_hosts file hashed with HashKnownHosts to hashes crackable by Hash... |
17 | 181,027 | 76,031 | hivexcavator | Extracting the contents of Microsoft Windows Registry (hive) and display it as a colorf... |
18 | 181,139 | 45,533 | cybermots | CyberMots est le dictionnaire francophone de la cybersécurité ; cet outil en ligne de c... |