Aeroastro's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,80011,362rubocop-inflectorRuboCop extension to integrate ActiveSupport::Inflector
28,83512,327capistrano-bundle_rsyncDeploy an application and bundled gems via rsync
318,59819,389shinqWorker and enqueuer for Q4M using the interface of ActiveJob.
420,71626,305capistrano-net_storageA Capistrano SCM Plugin to deploy application via remove storage. Logically, this e...
522,76434,868capistrano-net_storage-s3A transport plugin of capistrano-net_storage to deploy application via Amazon S3.
626,308105,358capistrano-lazy_cleanupThis gem makes deployment faster by offloading cleanup I/O for Capistrano 3.x (and 3.x ...
743,038168,370capistrano-deploy_lockerA capistrano 3 plugin which provides locking feature for deployment
843,188105,358m_loggerSimple Logger with Alternative Log Rotation Strategy