H_yamaguchi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,23538,970gluebyA Ruby library of smart contracts that can be used on Tapyrus.
234,22538,970noise-rubyA Ruby implementation of the Noise Protocol framework(http://noiseprotocol.org/).
334,63238,970tapyrusThe implementation of Tapyrus Protocol for Ruby.
448,93138,970bitcoinrb-grpcThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
551,94913,313lightning-invoiceRuby implementation of the Lightning Network Invoice Protocol (BOLT #11).
652,77938,970lightning-onionOnion routing for the Lightning Network.
780,17138,970secp256k1-rubyRuby binding to bitcoin's secp256k1 implementation.
893,00738,970blake3Blake3 for Ruby
9102,16024,638ed448Ruby wrapper for libgoldilocks