Infinum's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,5514,330minaBlazing fast application deployment tool.
24,1755,530cookies_euDisplays a cookie consent
36,1695,111doxGenerates API documentation for rspec in OpenAPI format.
46,2269,875swagger-ui_railsA gem to add swagger-ui to rails asset pipeline
510,11712,551toastr_railsAdd toastr js library and use replace ugly bootstrap flash messages
610,1519,072mina-wheneverMina plugin for whenever
710,3946,743enumerationsExtends ActiveRecord with enumeration capabilites.
811,46828,629secrets_cliThis is a CLI for easier use of
1115,90711,890shaman_cliCLI tool for deploying builds to Tryoutapps service
1217,12945,533mina-infinumCollection of mina plugins we use in infinum
1317,26645,533mina-secretsMina plugin for secret_cli gem
1417,71076,031json_api_respondersAutomatically respond to JSON::API requests
1530,94020,868fiscalizerAutomatic fiscalization
1632,52345,533mina-doxMina plugin for dox
1734,11433,042mina-delayed_jobAdded tasks for working with delayed job
1835,51526,648redbreastA CLI for safe and strongly typed resources
1939,24756,059infinum_idWrite a longer description or delete this line.
2039,40876,031phrasing_plusA mountable Phrasing adapter for editing images inline.
2141,77022,323rubocop-infinumAutomatic Infinum code style checking tool.
2247,30235,654jsonapi-query_builder`Jsonapi::QueryBuilder` serves the purpose of adding the json api query related SQL con...
2449,52433,042mailgun_catcherEngine for mailgun hooks
2553,76224,203polyglot_cliA ruby cli that takes translations from Polyglot and writes them to yml locale files. A...
2659,83976,031rails_log_bookWrite a longer description or delete this line.
2761,09076,031mina-npmNpm plugin for mina
2865,36256,059ios_polyglot_cliA CLI for pulling polyglot translations and generating iOS Source Files
2975,16445,533infinum_json_api_setupPreconfigured setup for building JSON:API endpoints
3076,05076,031acts_as_simple_translatableTook acts_as_translatable and stripped it down
3178,16876,031infinum_setupThis script will help you bootstrap your shiny new laptop
3289,86176,031omniauth-infinum_idWrite a longer description or delete this line.
3393,68876,031xmldsig-fiscalizerThis gem is a (partial) implementation of the XMLDsig specification
3498,76126,648money_with_dateExtension for the money gem which adds dates to Money objects
35102,26576,031mina-vaultAdded tasks for working with vault
36108,26576,031array_validatorArray validations for Rails (e.g. Postgres jsonb columns)
37116,63676,031omniauth-infinum_azureGem that contains OAuth2 strategies for Infinum, such as Infinum Azure AD
38119,04876,031infinum_azureAuthentication mechanism for Rails apps with devise via OAuth2
39119,96576,031vault-binariesGem with vault binaries
40136,00633,042remontDSL for row level data processing.
41153,51476,031offline_deployerA gem for building releases using a git diff between 2 tags or commits
42158,16576,031trespassTest your non ActiveRecord Queries for SQL Injections
43172,84176,031mina-foremanMina plugin for foreman
44175,58676,031polariscopeCalculate the health score of a Ruby application based on the state of its dependencies
45176,06445,533copy_botProvides a rake task for importing a database dump into a database on a particular envi...