Fguillen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6941,886simplecov-rcovRcov style formatter for SimpleCov
25,3135,748simplecov-csvCSV formatter for SimpleCov
311,82423,418memcache_mockSimple key/value mocked storage system
424,43221,671browser_shooterSelenium RC wraper to create browser screenshots
525,05576,031time_window_drop_collectorCounter storage system for a concrete time window
626,32919,646vitreous_shareShared components for Vitreous
729,96876,031sweety_backySimple mechanism to configure and execute backups of folders and MySQL DBs and store th...
835,29424,203vitreous_standaloneStandalone version for the VitreousCloud
936,65226,648evaxEvax is a simple asset packaging library for Ruby, providing JavaScript/CSS concate...
1047,71333,042dummy_dropboxDummy monkey patching for the dropbox ruby gem: 'dropbox'. You can test your Dropbox ut...
1148,13676,031green_sysloggerSyslogger that makes your life greener
1250,42076,031thimblSmall client for the distributed microbloging protocol: [thimbl](http://www.thimbl.net/)
1359,64635,654fibber_mailmanFibberMailman lie to you when you ask for a Net::POP3.start call.
1467,39076,031log_bookStoring an events log book
1574,64056,059sedUse the `sed` command from Ruby code
1676,63876,031ipligenceA gem to integrate the IPligence database in ruby
1777,28276,031style_paletteCreate collections of stylized labels without effort
1880,51976,031transmission_apismall ruby wrapper for the Transmission RPC API
1986,62276,031mini_graphiteSimple wrapper for Graphite and Statsd
2087,91023,418fantasySimple toolbox library and lean API to build great mini games in Ruby
2197,26176,031interneeeeCommand tool to check if you have Internet connection
22129,59635,654flurry_harvestUsed to fetch and communcate with Flurry service
23136,33976,031guinea_pigVery simple ABTest functionality for Ruby, based in ActiveRecord and with Rails 3 gener...
24145,99956,059dalia_api_survey_platformRuby wrapper for the Dalia's API
25178,51076,031picfisherReading all the image URLs from a given text file and download them to a given directory.