Pabois's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,8876,569prometheeBring fire to your page
216,52141,338faceted_searchAll you need to create a faceted search, as simple as possible
329,60518,580gdprAdds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist
430,55318,198kamifusenImage multiple optimizing: webp, srcset, server side resize.
557,85131,168scormgenEasy SCORM manifest generation
669,85941,338middleman-gdprAdds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist
784,70416,667simple_form_bs5_file_inputImprove Simple Form basic input field, add controls/preview on the field.
886,37837,981simple_form_password_with_hintsImprove Simple Form basic password field, add controls on the field.
9162,16231,168i18n_date_rangeAdd a new helper to display properly a date range (ex: From 8 to 9 September 2023)
10169,76445,359mazer-railsIntegrate the Mazer admin theme in a Ruby on Rails application.
11172,654140,819delayed_job_prevent_duplicateImprove Delayed Job to prevent a task already enqueued to be enqueue a second time.