1 | 5,130 | 5,568 | flexirest | Accessing REST services in a flexible way |
2 | 8,575 | 5,772 | civo | A command-line client and API access classes for civo.com |
3 | 9,487 | 9,649 | active_rest_client | Accessing REST services in an ActiveRecord style |
4 | 13,862 | 76,031 | LVS-JSONService | A Ruby library for interacting with external JSON services |
5 | 16,055 | 9,444 | civo_cli | The official command line client for interacting with Civo's API |
6 | 23,778 | 11,815 | civo-logger | Sends each request individually to Redis |
7 | 41,286 | 76,031 | reallycare_utils | A collection of shared utilities for ReallyCare sites |
8 | 46,328 | 40,711 | redis_prometheus | In order to ensure all your statistics are served to Prometheus across multiple machine... |
9 | 48,551 | 76,031 | activetracker | ActiveTracker is a self-hosted website (combined with this rubygem) to track user reque... |
10 | 48,645 | 76,031 | andy_admin | A generator for a nice admin style, like many other popular Rails-based sites |
11 | 73,141 | 76,031 | andycli | ANSI styling and other utilities for writing CLI Ruby tools |
12 | 80,944 | 76,031 | andyjeffries-journey | Journey is a router. It routes requests. |
13 | 90,082 | 76,031 | andyjeffries-rubyrep | Database replication |
14 | 107,909 | 76,031 | opal-all | This gem simply includes opal, opal-rails, opal-jquery, opal-sprockets and opal-actives... |
15 | 139,265 | 76,031 | motion-xib | A new Rake task for RubyMotion projects to create a new Xib file from a template or edi... |
16 | 147,947 | 76,031 | oceania | Like the fictional state of Oceania in George Orwell's 1984, this gem watches all the u... |
17 | 148,936 | 76,031 | peek-flexirest | Take a peek into the Flexirest API calls made during your application's requests. |
18 | 160,688 | 20,294 | custom_tag | Jealous of custom in JS frameworks and want them in your Rails apps? CustomTag a... |
19 | 168,385 | 19,275 | docxify | Using a relatively simple DSL, you can generate Word DocX documents from Ruby. |