Chrislloyd's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,606-gravtasticA Ruby wrapper for Gravatar URLs
28,361-brockTest Minefold funpacks
332,152-sequentialGenerates scoped, threadsafe sequences for ActiveRecord models
435,220-tyronecare the shit out of your ui
546,407-pixiiI believe in you, Peter Pan.
646,598-dayvanThe adventurer's tool for writing CouchApps.
754,039-fancypathExtensions for the Pathname library.
889,192-em-mixpanelNon-blocking Mixpanel API
989,761-em-zmqZMQ bindings for EventMachine.
1092,085-juggleJavascript packing
11103,187-scrolls-railsTools for using Scrolls logger in Rails
12108,138-batik-rasterizerExposes API to use the Batik Rasterizer from Ruby
13112,846-helpfulOfficial Helpful API library client for ruby
14113,918-buntIsolate and collate webpages.