1 | 1,464 | 1,332 | king_konf | A simple configuration library |
2 | 1,966 | 1,400 | avro_turf | A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby |
3 | 12,118 | 19,646 | bencode | A simple encoder and decoder for the BitTorrent serialization format. |
4 | 42,362 | 76,031 | query_matchers | Match the number of queries performed in any block of code |
5 | 53,517 | 76,031 | riot-rails | Use the fast, expressive and concise Riot unit-testing framework to test your Rails app... |
6 | 53,548 | 76,031 | rails_complete | Tab completion for the rails command-line tool. |
7 | 83,354 | 76,031 | sinatra-avro | A Sinatra plugin that allows encoding requests and responses using Apache Avro |
8 | 104,082 | 76,031 | avro2json | Decodes Avro data files and converts the data to JSON |
9 | 105,965 | 76,031 | rtagstask | A Rake task for building vi and emacs tags |
10 | 116,348 | 45,533 | csp | Massive concurrency with message-passing and stuff. |
11 | 122,979 | 76,031 | monkeyspecdoc | Specdoc output for Ruby's Test::Unit and Shoulda |
12 | 123,950 | 76,031 | minx | An implementation of the CSP concurrency primitives |
13 | 126,122 | 76,031 | todotask | A Rake task for generating a ToDo list |
14 | 147,744 | 56,059 | kafkalogue | A buffered log backed by Apache Kafka. |
15 | 160,254 | 76,031 | ruby-kubernetes | A basic K8s interface gem |