Jelaniwoods's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,6769,042grade_runnerThis gem runs your RSpec test suite and posts the JSON output to
275,22491,437web_gitWebGit is an embeddable Sinatra app that provides an in-browser visual interface to a s...
3116,84930,828ansispanRuby port of the ansispan JS library.
4122,37937,467draft_generatorsThis is a set of generators that help beginners learn to program. Primarily, they gener...
5158,92750,918git_diff_icultHandle Git diffs
7164,97318,898draft_matchersThis gem adds wrappers around capybara/rspec matchers to improve error messages and exp...
8176,82591,437specs_to_readmeAdds rake task that adds rspec descriptions to README.